
In the morning of January 1st 2013, some poor devil sleeping in the same dorm in Kuala Lumpur felt that he needed my laptop, my Kindle, my DSLR and my GoPro more than I needed them.
Let him get drunk into oblivion with the money he will get.
On my side, I will have a bitter afternoon this January 1st and then from January 2nd, I will enjoy this trip just as I did up to now.
Happy New Year!

4 réponses sur “Losses”

  1. Shit, fuxk…dont let those mother-fuxking morons get u down…
    We all wish u a wonderful 2013 with fantastic & brilliant adventures !

    London gangs

  2. Bon courage Nacho! Essaie de te changer les idées, j’espère que tu pourras remplacer ce dont tu as besoin! Et comme on dit, bien mal acquis ne profite jamais!

    Bonne année quand même!

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